Happy 22nd Birthday to Us!

Birthday cup cake with Jigsaw logo on top

September sees Jigsaw celebrate its birthday and this year it’s our 22nd!  Jigsaw Trust established Jigsaw School back in September 1999 starting life with 6 pupils in a small bungalow in Mytchett near Camberley. A number of years and building moves later…

Record Breaking Jigsaw Run 2021!

runner crossing chip timing finish at Jigsaw's annual 10k run

A record-breaking £14,885 was raised at this year’s Jigsaw 10k Run!  On Sunday 9th May, the rain clouds parted, the sun came out and the Jigsaw Run 2020 (postponed from November) was finally able to take place.

Welcome to our new Trustees

Jigsaw Trust logo

We are delighted to welcome 4 new members to our Board of Trustees and wanted to thank Nurole.com for the support they provided to us during the recent recruitment campaign.

JigsawPlus Learners bake Magical Mince Pies

The wonderful learners at our JigsawPlus Specialist Day Services have been baking with our resident Chef Kev!  Following his super secret recipe they are creating the most delicious festive Mince Pies for sale!