Research categorised under the heading ‘Academics’ covers areas such as supporting individuals to read, write, do maths and complete other academic curricular programmes, eg. IT skills and science targets. This area also includes strategies for accelerating academic learning.
Providing an Echoic Model in Tests for Stimulus Equivalence to Increase Correct Responses to Trials. Kate Hewett, Louise Stock and Mariann Szabo – Jigsaw CABAS School
It is important children learn more than we directly teach them. This study focused on using a procedure to induce a more efficient method of learning in children diagnosed with autism. They were taught to label items as they matched them to induce a larger matching repertoire than was directly taught. This paper was presented in poster format at the 8th International CABAS Conference (New York) in 2016.
The Effects of Novel Token Economies on Academic Responding of an Adolescent diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder – Gemma Reeder
Token economies can be used to help motivate individuals to respond to academic programmes in a classroom setting. Individuals gain tokens by responding to academic tasks and can exchange tokens for a choice of rewarding activities or items. The number of educational objectives met increased for the participant in this study when the novel token economies were in place. This study was submitted for the CABAS® Master Teacher Rank.
The use of Self-Monitoring and Target-Setting to Increase Responses to Learn Units – Meredith Wightman and Vicky Lumsden
There is a correlation between increased learn units and 1/ decreased behaviour that challenges and 2/ increased learning. It is therefore important for practitioners to determine how to increase responses to learn units. In this study, we involved the pupil in this process. We encouraged him to set his own learn unit targets and to monitor how many learn units he was completing each day. These tactics were successful in increasing his responses to learn units. This paper was presented in poster format at the 10th International CABAS Conference (New Orleans) in 2020.