Other Ideas

Here are a few other ideas and ways to fundraise for Jigsaw:

facebook donate

Set up a fundraiser for Jigsaw Trust on Facebook

You can now fundraise using a Facebook giving page to support Jigsaw Trust. You can set this up for any purpose, but Facebook donate works particularly well for Birthday’s and other celebratory events. If your birthday’s coming up and you’re feeling generous, then please consider asking your friends to make a donation to Jigsaw, instead of buying presents.

Click here to set up your own fundraiser on Facebook

every click logo - fundraise for jigsaw


Search the web and raise free funds for Jigsaw Trust using Everyclick.

To get started simply visit Jigsaw’s Everyclick page


Give as you Live

Give as you Live is an online fundraising platform allowing users to shop at over 4,000 top stores and raise free funds for charity.

By buying your new boots, your flights to France or even switching your gas supplier through Give as you Live you can raise funds that will help us to continue to support autistic children and adults through the Jigsaw services.

To get started simply visit the Give as you Live website



eBay for Charity

eBay for Charity is an easy way for buyers and sellers on eBay.co.uk to support Jigsaw Trust. Sellers, whether they’re individuals or businesses, can donate a percentage from any sale to a charity of their choice and add Gift Aid to their donations. Charities can also sell their own items directly on eBay.co.uk.

You can learn more about eBay for Charity by visiting this page.