FR Highlight / Case Study
Pupils are benefitting from an innovative touch-sensitive multi-user electronic table which encourages social interaction, turn taking and team working thanks to a £7,500 grant from leading software company SAP.
The 42-inch SMART Table gives access to 1,500 interactive multi-user games and other imaginative educational activities linked to the National Curriculum.
“The possibilities for fun learning, collaboration and turn-taking are endless – from sliding animal pictures across the table to match habitats, to following a trail of clues or mapping the human body,” said Emma Hawkins, Director of Education at Jigsaw School.
“Use of the SMART Table will develop pupils’ social interaction skills, turn-taking and working with others – everyday things that people with autism find particularly challenging.”
The table can be moved easily from class to class. It has a stable base, making it accessible to pupils in a wheelchair or with restricted motor skills. This means it can be used by every child at Jigsaw.
The addition of the SMART Table continues Jigsaw’s constant exploration of technology to support pupils, clients and staff.
Pupils and clients enjoy many off-site activities where they can develop skills in different settings. Due to Jigsaw’s remote location, minibuses are vital for transporting groups of pupils and we are fortunate to have been donated five minibuses over the years.
Trips include visits to horse-riding centres, libraries, village halls, shops, cafes, woodlands, places of worship and Jigsaw’s Life Skills Centre in Guildford. Pupils also enjoy one-off visits as part of their curriculum or for end-of-term fun activities, such as the seaside. Jigsaw’s adult clients are encouraged to develop their life skills by accessing local facilities and amenities such as the local bank, supermarkets, libraries and sport centres as much as possible.
In 2016, we were delighted to be donated our latest minibus from the Dennis Wise & Frankham Group.