Christmas Wishlist
Welcome to 2019’s Jigsaw Christmas Wishlist. This is a fantastic opportunity to support Jigsaw’s pupils and adult learners by making a donation that will be instantly used to purchase a bespoke Christmas present.
All of these presents have been carefully selected. Some are for general use within a class, some will help support activities and others have been selected for specific individuals. They all offer a range of benefits – encouraging role play and independence; helping develop co-ordination and co-operation; setting new challenges and delivering sensory experiences.
You’ll find a list of areas to choose from below – these have been broken down into JigsawPlus; Early Years; Main School; Sixth Form and Enterprises & Activities. Simply click on the area you would like to support to see the relevant Wishlist.
To make a donation that will pay for a present for the adults at JigsawPlus: CLICK HERE
To make a donation that will pay for a present for Jigsaw School’s Early Year’s classes: Comet, Stars and Rockets: CLICK HERE
To make a donation that will pay for a present for Jigsaw School’s Primary and Secondary age groups Classes 4-12: CLICK HERE
To make a donation that will pay for a present for Jigsaw School’s Sixth Form: SF1, SF2 and SF3: CLICK HERE
To make a donation that will pay for a present that will help support GARDENworks, PE, Therapy, Cafe on the Park and Food Tech: CLICK HERE
Price Variance: Jigsaw will be using your donation to purchase items from Amazon and some of the prices for specific items on the Christmas Wishlist may fluctuate. All prices were accurate as at 20/11/2019. Should a price for an item increase significantly, Jigsaw will do its utmost to buy a similar item (that matches the donated amount) or select another item from the existing list that hasn’t been purchased.
Gift Aid: Every present you buy counts as a donation which means you can also claim Gift Aid (if you are a UK tax payer). Gift Aid can increase the value of your donation by 25% at no extra cost to yourself. For every £1 you donate, you could enable Jigsaw to increase the value to £1.25. If you choose to support Jigsaw by making donation towards a Christmas Present, we’ll send you an email asking if you are happy for us to claim Gift Aid.
If you have any questions regarding this year’s Christmas Wishlist, please contact the Fundraising Team on 01483 277366 or via [email protected]