Jigsaw is thrilled to launch its first ever animated Christmas Card this year to help us all keep in touch over the festive season…
This stunning card has been created using artwork by Elise Wiggins (Operations Manager at JigsawPlus); Daleen Coetzee (artist and Friend of Jigsaw); and some of our adult learners. It has all been put together as the most magical animation by the clever team at YardB Studios. Our huge thanks to Lewis and Maddie at YardB for producing this animated card….we absolutely love it!
It couldn’t be easier to send….simply visit: Don’tSendMeACard.com – this link will take you directly to the Jigsaw Trust page where you can arrange to have it delivered to your friends and family on line.
The animation shows a robin swooping through a forest scene, past an animated squirrel and badger nestling in the trees. A beautiful hare pops up in the corner before the robin finishes his flight by dropping sparkle and baubles onto a tree as ‘season’s greetings’ is revealed.